Friday, May 20, 2005


While trolling through, I came across a hidden, hilarious gem. CNN was interviewing Bryce Howard about her new movie, and talking to her about various things, including the (apparently) steamy sex scene in it. For those that can't remember her, Bryce is the woman that played the blind girl in M. Night Shyamalan's "The Village".

Anyhow, she's also Ron Howard's daughter. Those of us who don't live in a box know who Ron Howard is. For those that don't, he was Opie Taylor (Andy Griffith Show) and Richie Cunninghamn (Happy Days) on TV, and as an adult has become a very well known and successful director (Cocoon, A Beautiful Mind, Apollo 13, Splash).

The funny bit in the article was this:

Before her film career took off, Howard had focused on stage work after studying acting at New York University.

"Not that I wasn't interested in film," Howard said. "I just didn't have access to it."

How can Ron Howard's daughter not have access to Hollywood?

"In my opinion, there's no room for nepotism, because there are so many talented people. I just didn't have the opportunities," Howard said. "A couple of the film auditions I did go on were for very, very, very small roles, I'm talking like one line, and I was not extraordinary. So why would they have any reason to bring me back for bigger roles?"

Hah! "No room for nepotism" in Hollywood? No "opportunities" for the daughter of one of the more powerful men in Hollywood? Is she kidding? That town was built on nepotism. I'm sure folks can think of many, many examples, but if nepotism in Hollywood didn't exist there wouldn't be actresses like Tori Spelling on TV.

Other examples of famous kids using their name and/or parental influence to get in the door: Charlie Sheen, Keifer Sutherland, Michael Douglas, Kate Hudson, Liv Tyler, Jack and Kelly Osbourne, George Clooney, Brandon Lee. There are many more.

Don't get me wrong, I completely understand parents helping their kids getting a leg up in the world. It's seen in many industries. It's even seen in big business, including at Sprint. But claiming that her famous name and influential father wasn't a help to her and that nepotism doesn't exist, that's just absurd.

Here's a link to the article:
Rough experience for 'Village' actress


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